Title: A 10-day Trip to U.S.
Aim: Conference (40% of the time) + Holiday (60% of the time)!!!
Materials: Boston, Amherst, New York & San Francisco
Methods: Shop, EAT, WALK, Cruise, insufficient Sleep, Fly
Results: Selected best shots are shown below...
Part 1 - Boston: China town, Quincy Market, Union Oyster Bar, Cheers, Downtown
Part 2 - Boston: Downtown, Backbay, Copley, Hop on & off bus, Prudential Tower, Charlestown, etc...

Part 3 - Amherst Town: Conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst & its cosy town...
Had a hard time keeping my eyes open during the conference due to sleepless nightssss... Am very sorry to those who sponsored me to the conference...
Part 4 - Universities in Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts (UMass), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) & Harvard Uni!!!
Conclusion: Had a great experience with those sleepless nights!!!
To be Continued... more to come ...