Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sydney 2007...

Four-day Sydney Trip!

Main purpose to Sydney was for a 2-day work

But some friends were kind enough to go with me for extra 2 days

& the main purpose was none other than FOOD!


I said before that I would not have Korean food anymore but ended up with Korean again!!!
Top left: Fish Market - Sashimi, Seafood platter, Oyster!
Top right: Korean BBQ!
Bottom left: Lowenbrau pork Knuckle & etc!
Bottom right: Korean Hotpot!

After four times to Sydney, the excitement was not as intense as the first two times!

Highlight of the trip was visitation to Hillsong!!

It's really amazing to see how other people praise God & their intense love for God!!

And of course we did not miss out some "fun" during the trip!

Played "Dai Di" / Big 2 &

Mah Jong!!! Haven't played it since Chinese New Year!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Goal for the Next Term...

2007 is coming to an end SoOn!
*Reflection* What did I achieve this year?!
Then comes 2008!
And here COMES my ReSoLuTion List or rather WisH LiSt!!!
My WisH...
Suddenly have the "desire" for it! Or maybe because suddenly noted that many friends are using Mac & heard of many positive feedbacks!


Have always wanted one!
I think this is achievable...
I can so feel my sisters, Linda & Julia, will pretend they've never seen this post!
Actually, why do I want them? For the sake of ever owned one? or maybe I do want to "admire", closely, the amazing, beautiful, high tech Inventions!
Ok, Now comes the ReSoLuTion List!

Wanted to pick up some basic chinese all this while
And a stronger motivation kicked in today, hence, I surfed through the net for free online chinese lessons...
Without fail found a website that is pretty good & FrEe of Charge!
Many other websites require a small fee...
Really hope to pick up some words, to be able to read & write...
Oh, back to my wish list, my beloved sisterSs & nephew, do start saving up now, ok?!

Another Week of ...

Guess what?!
Yes, had another week of Korean Food & Pancake!!!

Top left: Korean - Spicy Chicken BBQ
"Spiciness, too, is in the tongue of the beholder!"
Eater J kept drinking water because of the spiciness while Eater C kept adding chilli because of the "minimal" spiciness!
Top Right: Blueberries Pancake! I still prefer Boysenberries flavour!
Bottom: Oh, the transforming Mirror! Don't they look PreTTy.............. CuTe?!?!
Yessss, they are PreTTy & CuTe!
I think I should stop eating Korean food & pancake for this year!!!
I can see the fats are comfortably residing in me!
Closing Note: Today was so Blessed with lunch & dinner treats! Never expected...
And This week was pretty relaxing, had an extra day off, thanks to Melbourne Cup!
The coming weeks will be full on, hope to be fruitful with my work!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Good Bye...

In less than 10 hours a friend will be leaving...

Being an international student or someone "transiting" at a foreign land, one not only has to struggle with adaption to the new environment but often has to face the 'going' of someone after they have graduated or decided to move on in life...

And it is tough to say 'Good Bye' especially to friends that one has developed a good friendship.
The thought of seeing someone close leaving and not knowing when you would see them again it's s*d...
Will it be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years or never?!?!
Perhaps, One Day the two paths will CroSs...

However, many times one would take another for GranTeD while being in close proximity!!

A friend recently said that 'when one grew older one longs for StaBiLiTy in LiFe!' One would no longer wish to live a life of uncertainty and 'vapour-like'

Guess it is an indication of AgeIng ... in me ...

All the best

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Foods of the Week...

Foods that had been tasted this week,
A pretty full one!
Hwaro Korean BBQ
562 Little Bourke St, Melbourne

Top: Korean BBQ - Beef Rib, pork, mushroom
Bottom Left: Hotpot - small intestine + etc
Bottom Right: Korean Wine, Soju

Had this twice within a week for different occasion. The reason was because the setting & atmosphere gave a "Korean feel"...

The portion was small for moderate to big eaters, especially guys



320 St Georges Rd., Fitzroy Nt

Top: Mee Rebus (friend claimed that her Aunty makes the best Mee Rebus)

Bottom: "Har min"


Craving of the Week - PANCAKE!!!

Had pancakes for 3 consecutive days & still craving for them!

Pancake Parlour & Mc Donald's Hotcakes

Top Left: Strawberry Flavour (most voted for "yumminess")

Top Right: Rasberry & 'Rhuburb'

Bottom Left: Mc Donald's Hotcakes

Bottom Right: Boysenberries Flavour


A Korean Restaurant on Victoria Street

(can't remember the name)

SPICY noodle soup!!! Can be more SpiCy!

Top: Sliky toufu + seafood - taste better!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Battle Field...

This is where I spent 78.9% of my time in the past 3 years & for a couple of months more... (hopefully!)

From the 1st pic you'd know what do I do!

The rest of the pics are my armours & shielding zone!

Next: Introducing the faces that I see everyday (except weekends)

Top left: Ayam boy a.k.a Lieutenant General Ben! He eats charcoal chicken & chips almost everyday! I wonder where are the chicken hormones & trans fats stored in his body?!?!?!

Top right: My neighbour, Colonel Jinah! We've been making a lot of noises in the room, & we're just waiting for warning/complaints!!!

Bottom left: Foods that have sustained me thru'out the past 3 years!

Grace: Thank God for the foods & the hands that prepared them...

Bottom right: IrReplaceAble asset of FSA's, General Jen! How'd Delivery Team be in 4 months time w/out her?!?!

F. A. Q. . .

Recently, a friend asked me "Why God allows suffering, poverty & why some people are born in a better condition than others?"

Actually, I do not know the answer myself. I, too, asked God why people, especially closed ones, have to suffer? Isnt it painful seeing His beloved Children suffer?
And many times these questions leave us doubting who God is...

However, I was enlightened through a real life story of a woman sharing on a Christian radio channel.
The woman suffered loss of her sister & almost her own daughter. One day the doctor told her that her young daughter would not be able to make it... She was all heartbroken & ran out of the room.
While her husband was comforting her, he "boldly" asked "whose daughther is she?". The woman answered "it's my daughter!". The husband asked again, "whose daughter is she?" & the woman answered "is my daughter!". It continued on and finally, the woman surrendered & said "she belongs to God". From that very moment she felt a relief...
On their way back to the room she met a nurse and she was given a bible and told her that she wants her daughter to have the bible.......... (story shortened).... When they met up with the doctor, to their surprise, the doctor said that her daughter is healed and all well....
It was a MiRaCle...

At the end of the sharing, the woman said a line that strucked me deeply, which goes something like this... (with modification)

"Our love & trust in God does not depend on what He has or has Not done, but depends on Who God is, on His Characters, on His attributes!"

Just for the fact that He is God & not about what He has or has not done!

In deed, Christian walk is all about knowing who God is = a Relationship!

Isaiah 59:1 Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear.

Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.

Oh man, I hope it's not too late to share this with the friend... =)

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.