2007 is coming to an end SoOn!
*Reflection* What did I achieve this year?! *Shrug*
Then comes 2008!
And here COMES my ReSoLuTion List or rather WisH LiSt!!!
*Reflection* What did I achieve this year?! *Shrug*
Then comes 2008!
And here COMES my ReSoLuTion List or rather WisH LiSt!!!
My WisH...

Suddenly have the "desire" for it! Or maybe because suddenly noted that many friends are using Mac & heard of many positive feedbacks!

Have always wanted one!
I think this is achievable...
I can so feel my sisters, Linda & Julia, will pretend they've never seen this post!
Actually, why do I want them? For the sake of ever owned one? or maybe I do want to "admire", closely, the amazing, beautiful, high tech Inventions!
Ok, Now comes the ReSoLuTion List!
And a stronger motivation kicked in today, hence, I surfed through the net for free online chinese lessons...
Without fail found a website that is pretty good & FrEe of Charge!
Many other websites require a small fee...
Really hope to pick up some words, to be able to read & write...
Oh, back to my wish list, my beloved sisterSs & nephew, do start saving up now, ok?!
Yen, dun dry up my purse eh........ it's oredi in drought season oh :(
oh dear, i feel for them...hahaha!
Elaine, you mean u feel for my sisters or u, too, feel like wanting the MacBook & iPod? =)
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