It would cost $20.00 to get a new ticket!
I was dismayed when I couldn't find it!
I D.I.S.L.I.K.E. the feeling of LOSING some things or precious someone, although a ticket may not be that PreCious!
But I have EnOuGh of those despair feelings!
Almost gave up finding the ticket, because I was tired by the thought of losing it and need to pay for it and tired of searching for it in the big mall!
But I did not give up! I just Dislike that feeling of 'LOST'! And I want to "Fight" back for the Joy of Finding It again or at least NoT needing to pay for it! -_-'
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Ha ha ha, out of desperation, I even tried to get a new ticket from the entrance ticket booth but couldn't because there was no vehicle & ticket was not issued & I kinda knew that it may not be the R.I.G.H.T. way, but I didn't quite care!
Ha ha ha, out of desperation, I even tried to get a new ticket from the entrance ticket booth but couldn't because there was no vehicle & ticket was not issued & I kinda knew that it may not be the R.I.G.H.T. way, but I didn't quite care!
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My last resort was to stir up my FaiTh & pray for God's grace, favour & mercy!
Kept looking & praying for it although at the back of my mind I knew that the chance of finding it is quite SLiM but at the same time Hoping, Praying & putting Faith in God!
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Thank GOD that He kept it there on that spot for me to find it!
Thank God that I sought for His Grace & He granted me the Hope & Joy!
My last resort was to stir up my FaiTh & pray for God's grace, favour & mercy!
Kept looking & praying for it although at the back of my mind I knew that the chance of finding it is quite SLiM but at the same time Hoping, Praying & putting Faith in God!
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Thank GOD that He kept it there on that spot for me to find it!
Thank God that I sought for His Grace & He granted me the Hope & Joy!
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p/s: $20 may not be of much value but knowing that God Cares for me Is Priceless!
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p/s: $20 may not be of much value but knowing that God Cares for me Is Priceless!
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