Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy (55th) Birthday Mama!

Wonder how did God and Angels in heaven celebrated Mama's Birthday!
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Happy Happy Happy Birthday Cutey Little Mama!!!
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Hope You are having a Wonderful Day!
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~ 'Til We Meet Again ~

Monday, September 27, 2010

B and M's Wedding & Reunion 180910

- First attempt in video making -
"Failed" - says Tong Tong.
- Take Two ! -
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Video-making (with Mac iMovie) can be fun ... and time-consuming too!
Note: Quality of the pictures is compromised due to several reasons.
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- Putting pictures into 'perspective' -
Hope this video will re-live the 2-day K.L. trip on a digital brain. . .
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Meet-up after 3- and 6- Years!

At KLIA airport now after 2 days of meet-up with good old friends from Melbourne. Thanks to Mr & Mrs Ben Wong for giving us the opportunity to catch up again after we last said Good-Bye in year 2004 & 2008. And Now it is the time to say "Good-Bye" Again!! Sad moment kicks in again! :( 48 hrs passed just like 48 mins. So, when will we meet up again? Perhaps at the next wedding?!
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It is a great blessing to be able to study overseas and meet people from different parts of the world! But it can also be a very painful moment when it is the time to part to continue our own journey in different parts of the world! The Great Friendship built have to "Pause" at that point of Time! And may (or may not) "Resume" when the right time comes again! Which I Do Not know When will it be!
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That's (my) L. I. F. E.! I have learnt thus far that:
- Happy Moments last only for a Short While, And there comes the Sad Moments that seemed to last for a longer time!
- Can't Always get what I wish to! But Moments that I very much Hoped not to Come had Come!
- Etc, Etc, Etc, Sad, Etc . . . . . .
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Anyway, Congrates to Mr & Mrs Ben Wong! The wedding was Great! It was a Happy moment to witness their Big Day! Happy smiles are seen all over their faces! Surely they'll have a Great Journey together!! Wish them A Great & Happy Life Together with Everlasting Love!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is The Grass on the Other Side Really Greener ? ?

Had a chat with Sis about what should have been done in the past, so called, to have a "better" future...!
But How would we know that the 'Alternative Choices/Paths' would be better than what Had Been Chosen and Walked??
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Grass on the other side of the pasture always 'looks' Greener!
But is it always Greener (and Better)??
It May Not be!
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God knows what is Best for those Who Loves Him!
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Thank God for His Blessings and Guidance Thus Far!
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- Will Love & Appreciate the People, especially Love Ones, and Things we have! -

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Certain Song To A Certain Friend

And so, certain songs can speak what my heart felt in the past few years.
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To Some Friends, this song would be it: 我.太.難.被.感.動. (P. Nan)
I'm not all perfect, I'm with flaws too ...
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And to Certain Friends (including Buddies): 愛.在.記.憶.中.找.你. (R. Lam)
The Good times shared will always be in my Memory - although some friendships had a 'short time span' but they are treasured!
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Bye Bye Melbourne for the Time Being . . .
Hopefully ........ I'll be back!