Saturday, October 27, 2007

SpeCial Days!

... Three Special Days ...

Went back to KK in Sept 07 as a SurPriSe for Mama's Birthday (30th Sept). Missed her birthday for the past 8 years & glad to be back to celebrate with her this year... (Tong Tong's Copyright!)

Was double blessed because went back in time to celebrate MoonCake Festival! Especially with my CuTe, HandSome, SweeT Little Nephew, Ezra!!!

*Three Sisters & Cute nephew*

And today, 27th Oct 07, is my Sister's, Linda, BirthDay! Not able to be back there but I will (hopefully) be back next year!

Happy Birthday Mama & Je Je!!!

The Lord has blessed me with a WonDerFul, WonDerFul, WonDerFul family!!!

A FoodFul Trip...

My Favourite, Yummy Foods of the Trip!
No 1. Boudin Clam Chowder!!!
No 2. Cheesecake Factory Nachos & Burger!
No. 3 Lobster

Of Course there were other foods that sustained me throughout the 10 days!

And my beloved Junks that had traveled hundred miles across the Pacific Ocean & back to Melbourne with Me!

Conclusion: Had a great experience from this trip! Wish to visit other states of U.S. again!

San Francisco - best part of the trip!

Why was it the best part of the 10-day trip?
It's because I finally could sleep after 5.5 days of sleepless nightsssss!!!
*Truly sustained by God throughout the times!!*
And of course because of the UniQue, BeauTiFul & Hilly City of San Fran!
Also, it has BOUDIN Bakery!!! The clam chowder is super YUMMY!!!

1st Day of San Fran - Met up with a long time high school friend!
And he is none other than Pang Kien ... and had a stroll to Fisherman's Wharf

Thanks for the Cable Car Ride! It was great especially when standing & looking down the hill!

Really walked A LOT in San Fran! 10 hrs walking & climbing over the steep Hills for 3 consecutive days!

The hills are really steep, i mean really really really steep ~ 44.9 degree!!!

Highlight: Lombard Street - CrooKeDest Street in the World! It's really cool!

On 2nd day - met up with a Melbourne friend, and she is none other than Suwana & her hubby, Hendrick.

Had a great time with them, thanks a lot Suwana & hubby! They drove me around and passed the Golden Gate Brigdge to Sausalito, followed by lunch at Cheesecake Factory (YUM!!!) then Japan town & ended with Alamo Square to see the Full House's House!

Landmark of San Fran - Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz & Pier 39!

Friday, October 26, 2007

New York 1-day Tour - 11th Oct 2007

...Glad to revisit New York again for a day-trip as my heart was not very captivated by Boston, simply because my heart is always after Big Busy Cities...

*Selected Cute shots & of cos the landmarks*

Took a bus at a pretty cheap price (USD$30 roundtrip - highly recommended) to NY for a stroll at:

China town - biggest or 2nd biggest after San Fran China town in U.S. - it made me feel like being teleported to Hong Kong Mong Kok or similar...

Fifth Avenue - Didn't feed my wallet full but window shopping was good enough! Ladies or Gentlemen, do feed your wallet & bring a few credit cards before stepping on 5th Avenue...

BROADWAY TIMES SQUARE *my favourite* - with all the theaters, billboards, M&Ms & humansss...

But it was a REAL WET day, rained heavily for the whole afternoon otherwise could have visited more places...

Nevertheless, Boston is still a nice place with nice seafoods, parks, historical victorian/"english" style buildings ...

And a good place to get away from the busy NY on a 4-hr driving trip & get some yummy lobsters & clam chowders!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Unforgettable Moments of 2007- Massachusetts, U.S.

Title: A 10-day Trip to U.S.
Aim: Conference (40% of the time) + Holiday (60% of the time)!!!
Materials: Boston, Amherst, New York & San Francisco
Methods: Shop, EAT, WALK, Cruise, insufficient Sleep, Fly
Results: Selected best shots are shown below...

Part 1 - Boston: China town, Quincy Market, Union Oyster Bar, Cheers, Downtown

Part 2 - Boston: Downtown, Backbay, Copley, Hop on & off bus, Prudential Tower, Charlestown, etc...

Part 3 - Amherst Town: Conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst & its cosy town...

Had a hard time keeping my eyes open during the conference due to sleepless nightssss... Am very sorry to those who sponsored me to the conference...

Part 4 - Universities in Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts (UMass), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) & Harvard Uni!!!

Conclusion: Had a great experience with those sleepless nights!!!

To be Continued... more to come ...

Guided Steps...

San Francisco 13th Oct 07

22nd April 2007

The Steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Pslam 37:23-24

On this day, this prophecy was spoke forth!
Spoken at the perfect time, when my heart was faint and thirsty for Words of Encouragement.
And to my amazement, before the prophecy was given, a vision of staircase at an ascending fashion was flashed before my eyes when I was asking Him about my life - past, present & future -

And without fail an impression was put upon my heart telling me that even though I have been very "naughty" and stumbled many times, each time I was still carried to a higher step ...

Thus, the prophecy was confirmed and my troubled heart was verily comforted...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Genesis: A Coming into Being . . .

... Have been wanting to start a blog for a while and at last it is actualised ...

... Hope all Evanescent Memories, Ephemeral Moments, Fugacious Blossoms could be
Reminisced at Evanescent Moments ...