Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some Reflection . . .

Have been reflecting on the "Stages of Life", or to be precise, my heart, unintentionally, has been "analysing" the different stages of life. Here are some results drawn:
  • From foetus to baby, toddler, childhood, adolescent and even to young adulthood, individuals at these stages are mainly ASKING & SEEKING (RECEIVING STAGE) - be it for "Invisible (Love, Care, Attention) or Visible (toys, clothes, money) things"! Although at times individuals at these stages can Give (both the Invisible & Visible "things") but they are more incline to Receive! And Parents are always more than willing to give their child the best of the best! BUT . . . would the child knows how to appreciate their parents' Love & Sacrifice?! Surely, they do know that they are loved and at times able to reciprocate but they May Not be that Determined or Inclined to Reciprocate the Love & Care!
  • At the stage of young adulthood to 30-40s, individuals would be working hard to earn the most as well as to enjoy life with friends and busy settling down with their own new family and . . . what about their parents? This, too, is a Receiving Stage!
  • Only when "tragedy" happens or when the individuals hit the "Older Stages of Life" or when they are in parenthood, they would know how to Appreciate & LOVE their parents & close ones, Learn to Give more than to Receive or Make wiser decisions! But sometimes, it is already TOO LATE . . . !
. . . # 1 . . .
Had a chat with some family's friend, the husband had an accident few nights ago. The moment the car slammed onto his side of car, he thought he was gonna "be finished"! Thank God that he did not have life-threatening injuries but is very much traumatised! [Nowadays, drivers are very irresponsible and unethical, they drink and drive or they speed all the way thinking that they are a professional drivers & accident-proof!]. The husband was driving carefully but it was the alcohol-consumed driver that sped and caused the accident! Thus, a careful driver is no longer safe on the road that shares with unethical & irresponsible drivers! From this incident, he knew that life is Really Fragile & he said to his family & us "to enjoy life, appreciate others and do what you can while you can as we will never know what would happen tomorrow!". This, I understood, too, but need constant self-reminders!
. . . # 2 . . .
Children (including myself) always think that parents are against what they do when parents disapprove them from doing certain things! But little do the children know what their parents do are for their good! . . . Now, only can I truly understand this! But it is Too Late! . . . For instant, a friend's teenage child insist to go out on weekday's night for cell group during school semester. And he was not home by 10:20 pm! But what could the parents do as children of these days are more "free" (or mind me of my strong word "more rebellious & pampered"). Little do the child know how worried are his parents, as his dad just had an accident and surely clouds of negative thoughts would come to his mind!
. . .
It is only when negative incidents had happened then would one realised & understand more about certain things that one would think otherwise before the incidents! And many times, it is already Too Late!
. . .
Only if children, at a young age, can understand, appreciate & reciprocate their parents' love before it is Too Late!
. . .
Only if . . . Then this world would have less sorrows and more Love & Joy in people's life!

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