Thursday, April 22, 2010


. : Faithfulness : .
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"... be a husband of 1 wife ..."
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Was chatting with a friend about boy-girl-relationship recently...
The friend thinks that guys should be Faithful to his girlfriend/wife, which I totally Agree!
And so should women to the boyfriend/husband!
He added "guys should also be responsible ... "
... Sounds like he would be a really good boyfriend/husband! ...
I've heard it many times that a relationship would get stale after few years into it . . . And is this a good reason to be unfaithful, particularly for the guys? ! ?
Why can't keep the sweet momentum going on forever?
I guess, both party should work out the relationship and keep it growing Healthily, Happily & Sweetly!
In the conversation with the friend, I made a point that guys are more prone to be unfaithful than women, but he disagreed!
But I still think it is true that girls are more faithful and girls' heart can easily be won with guys showering more care and love to the girls...
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Guys should court and appreciate the girls more and more each day to win the girl's heart and the girls respond in sweetness to keep the relationship growing stronger and stronger!
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Apart from B - G relationship, one should be faithful to family members, friends and Especially to God!
Having said that, I should continue to build my faithfulness for God and also be faithful to Family and Friends!
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. : FaithFulness : .

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