Friday, September 4, 2009

A Stress-Release Spot. . .

This place is "pretty near" to my work place
And it is none other than the Werribee South beach!!!
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(On a Thursday lunch time a man fishing by the shore?? I wonder if there was any fish or water creature attracted to the bait!)
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Came here twice and on both occassions I was stressed & #$%#KO . . .
. . .
The sight of Wide Sea . . .

And Calm - Clear water . . .
. . .
Can Ease My Mood-iness
. . .
But the sight of it can also be scary . . .
Scared of Sharks!!! *LOL*
Since Australia are famous for shark-attacks!
But no, haven't sighted any fins so far!
. . .
Not even the sight of Dolphins
. . .
Walking on the jetty with my McDonald's shoes on!. . .

THEN I Walk ON Water to get back to work!!! :)
The Walk of Faith!


Julia Chung said...

Kesiaaaaannnnnnnn my yen yen :( i wished our family have been there for ur good n bad times in the past 10 years *sob*

Evanescent Moments said...

Hahaha, not really that kesian *lah*, HS is with me! :P
And my McDonald shoes are with me to help me walk! :P