Saturday, November 14, 2009

Life Lessons...

Read a blog written by a Spirit-filled Pastor...
One of his statements really captured my heart...
"Hunger for God is CAUGHT not Taught"... Ps. P. Tan
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Indeed, it is very true!
Apart from the Hunger for God, I think many other "characters" in me were "caught" from other people and "birth" forth within me.
Both Good and the Not so good characters!
And there is a saying that goes like this "it is always easier to learn the Not So Good things from people than learning the good things"... and this statement is very True!
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I pray that God will make me more sensitive to catch His Love and Characters from people around me!
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Last night, I was, again, reminded to be thankful for the small little blessings or even blessings in disguise that God has given unto me...
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. . . *Life Lesson No. 0202* . . .
Dad: Ohhhh, the lady said it was a Grade-A chicken, but it doesnt taste like one! Hmmm...
Sis 2: Haaaa, dad, you're bluffed by people!!!
Mum: He he he, really not the Grade-A chicken???
Me: *thinking* what's the difference between this so called Grade-A chicken and the Real Grade-A chicken???? It taste Yummy too!!!
Sis 2: Oh, dad, how come you couldn't tell the difference??? You are so experienced in buying groceries!! Aiyah... !
Mum: Gigglessss... hehehe . . .
Sis 2: Bla bla, don't buy from the lady anymore...!!!
After a while of complaining then...
Finally, dad says "Oh well, I just bought from the lady because no one bought from her and she looked a bit "pathetic", so I just bought it from her..."
Then all of us kept quiet!
And I Caught Dad's Kind Spirit & Love!!!
Dad didn't want to say it out but after much complains from us he said out the purpose of buying the chicken from the lady and I think he knew that the chicken was not a Grade-A chicken...
Yet because of his kindness, he bought from the lady to make her day happy and for her to be able to go home earlier!
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If the little things that you do can make someone's day happy, and only cost you a little bit of money (or maybe more), why not do it?
Some people may not agree. . .!
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I hope I can always be sensitive enough to CATCH Godly characters!
However, these things can be taught but one needs to be able to Catch them, otherwise they will just be another "theoretical moral" lesson that stays in the mind. . .
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I guess after catching it, practising it in daily life is also another Important step...!
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Recently, I had a dream.
I was dreaming that I was sitting in a car driven by a friend.
I was looking around for a newsagent, but not just any newsagent!
In my heart, I was looking for a newsagent that was operated by an elderly couple (gung gung - po po) and the newsagent was not those "good looking" newsagent but one old looking newsagent.
Then my friend asked "why don't just go to any newsagents, since we have been driving around?"
Then in my heart I said "Hmmm, me buying things from the gung gung and po po can make their day happy and add to their income. . ."
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I hope not only in the dream but also in my daily life I can show kindness and love to others, just as my Dad has done it...
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*Shall blog the life lessons learnt to remember them and read back whenever I'm running low on "kindness" & other Godly characters*

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