Sunday, May 9, 2010

Obey your Parents And . . .

And so I went to church to "celebrate" Mother's Day & for the Healing Service...
Anticipated the "scenario" would be so...!
Surely it was a bit awkward but what can I do?
One of the 10 commandments was shared, which was on "Honour your father & mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you" ...
Surely, it is a blessing to live long enough to see your next 2-3 generations prospering, but what is the true meaning to have a long life?
If one died early does that mean the person did not obey the parents?! Surely not!!
If one is given 100 years to live but did not enjoy life and fulfil his/her destiny as much as another person who only had 50 years of life but enjoyed & fulfilled his/her destiny within the "short time", would not the person who lived 50 years had a "longer life"? He/she had enjoyed and done more than the person who lived 100 years yet fulfilled lesser things ...
. . . I don't hope & wish to live too long but I hope to fulfil my destiny before I meet Jesus face to face, hopefully not too long to go!
Jesus had only walked on earth for 33 odd years but He fulfilled His "Mission" on earth!
(Ok, I think I'm being a bit sensitive here, surely having a long life is a blessing from God, shall not twist God's word but I do want to understand the real meaning of "life" or a "long life")
. . .
. : Happy Mama's Day : .

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